Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lie: Liberals want to elevate discourse.

The truth is there are quite a few of the liberals that hate conservatives and their values so much that they lower dialogue to a level that would make Jerry Springer blush. Here are my favorite examples today, enjoy!

"It's you right-wing morons wrapped in propaganda that are fact-free. Go play in traffic now; grown-ups are talking." Posted April 1, 2009

"I wasn't threatening you, inbred. I was suggesting that your family must live in a bad area since they keep getting murdered." April 1, 2009

"Not only did the Marines fail to instill honor and integrity in you, they didn't teach you how to read."

Are you SURE your sister died, or was that just her cover to get away from you?"

Drug-addicted sex tourist Rush Limbaugh now an expert on saliva-borne ass toxins. (via @shadowfax_rulz)"

Ryking makes me laugh, not just because when he loses an argument he pulls this crap, but the last one especially because if anybody knows about saliva borne ass toxins, it's him. You can find him on a fairly regular basis at a free clinic in Arizona or in his bedroom trying to convince himself and his pitiful following that he is relevant and intelligent.

And if you didn't get the sarcasm in my last tweet, you just might be a conservatard."

Why are conservatives such horrible people? How do they live with themselves?!"

Why do conservatives insist on having Taliban sounding names? And these are the guys who are calling everyone else unpatriotic!"

Shadowfax_rulz major fault is actually being suffocatingly boring but I do like the fact that she compares conservatives with the Taliban and the mentally disabled but says that conservatives are horrible people. Afterall, comparing people to terrorists and making fun of retarded people is REALLY funny and the sign of a well rounded person.

Really? Cuz TAB seems like an ironically arrogant know-nothing unpatriotic hypocritical evangelical w racist tendencies."

Was wrong when I said Palin's nothing but an ambitious opportunist. To clarify, she's nothing but an ambitious *moronic* opportunist."

This little piece of heaven lives in Alaska and we're all the better for it in middle America. From looking at her posts, her ending comments before she blocks you is, "Oh yeah? Well you're a dummy."

Last and certainly least but my favorite because she trolls the conservative sites looking for a man with a job, she's our favorite TCOT Cougar, Cody_Kessler. Most of the time she's drunk or complaining about a hangover but she does like to join conversations she's not invited to and scream about how smart she thinks she is. She had delusions of adequacy and is sometimes fun to watch

Run back to #Tcot Land, little wingnut, to your echo chamber. Run while you can. Run I say. Tuck your tail, and run run run"

Yup. We know. Him and Michele Bachmann. Batshit crazy. LOL "

Can you say "homo" on terrestrial radio??"

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